Take care down there with these postpartum essentials! There is no time to waste when preparing for life after birth. Get these things now before the big arrival! I have a feeling you will thank me later…

Let’s talk about postpartum hydration
Yeah, I know this seems obvious. Drink water, blah blah blah… But for many moms, the reality is, that we are busy. Especially toward the latter end of pregnancy. You have frequent doctor’s appointments, work/life obligations, baby showers, Lamaze class, car seat fittings, and last-minute changes to your birth plan, you’re nesting like a mad woman! Not to mention, some anxiety and anticipation about the upcoming birth.
We get a little forgetful, and if you’re like me, a lot forgetful! This is one of those times in life when we can’t skimp on our health, no matter how busy we are. It’s important to understand just how vital hydration is during pregnancy and postpartum. American Pregnancy Association recommends drinking AT LEAST 10-12 glasses of water each day, and if I had to guess, most of us don’t drink half of that. When you are pregnant, as blood production, circulation, and amniotic fluid increase so will the demand for water.

There is no thirst like breastfeeding thirst
Another BIG one to consider is breast milk production. There were times I felt like my mouth was traveling through a dry desert when I would nurse my daughter. Whether you plan to breastfeed, pump, or bottle feed, be sure to have your handy water bottle at your side. It will make postpartum recovery, milk production, and the entire experience much easier!
Hydration game changer
Yes, you read that right, this water bottle was a game-changer for me. There is plenty of room to fill it to the exact amount I need. It has clear measurements that take the guesswork out of how much water I have drunk so far. Its cute motivational phrases encouraged me to keep hydrating! It’s inexpensive and easy to clean! An absolute must for me. I continue to use it daily even after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Keeping my hydration game strong has greatly impacted my energy, sleep, and overall recovery.
Baby won’t be the only one coming home in diapers!
It’s okay! Don’t be embarrassed. This is completely expected, and honestly, you are NOT going to care. Postpartum bleeding is just one of those things you will have to manage after birth. The last thing you need to fuss with is undergarments that are uncomfortable or ineffective! Most hospitals and birth centers (unless you are planning on home birth) will have some kind of mesh underwear and maternity pad inserts for you to use during your stay. These are just fine! and they are free! However, if you find that they are too uncomfortable or not staying in place, I highly recommend you look into getting some “incontinence underwear” aka adult diapers.
The incontinence underwear by Always is, in my opinion, the BEST! They fit great and there is absolutely NO leaking! My water broke (and by broke, I mean gushed everywhere) on the floor at home. I put one of these on before we headed to the hospital, and not a drop of fluid ended up in the car or the floor in the hospital! I was impressed. I could insert absorbent pads and cooling packs in them with no problems!

Postpartum “down there care”
Och! Just thinking about postpartum pain makes me cringe a little. After what just happened, it’s understandable. A few lifesavers for perineal pain can make the recovery process so much easier!
Keep it cool
As I mentioned above, proper fitting and effective incontinence underwear is a great place to start. In that underwear, you can insert these perineal ice packs designed for postpartum and hemorrhoid relief! God bless whoever invented these things!
Another pain reliever I used was this dermoplast spray. This stuff will help soothe and cool down the area fast! Most hospitals will provide this for you initially, but I went through mine fast! I made sure to order some as soon as I got home and kept them handy in my bathroom!
Hemorrhoids are a thing
I don’t know any other way to say this, but, hemorrhoids are a thing. Witch hazel pads are another basic product that your hospital will likely provide you. But just like the dermoplast spray, I ran out of this stuff quickly. It is in my opinion, a basic necessity, and the most effective at managing hemorrhoids.

This stuff is the balm
Some experienced momma gifted me this perineal balm by Earth Mama Organics. I honestly didn’t even know what it was. But after using it, I became a believer. This stuff kinda covers it all. Episiotomy, tearing, scarring, pain, hemorrhoid relief… You name it. Just slather it with this stuff. I even used it on my belly to help my stretched-out skin recover.
I just wanted to sit in a chair
After giving birth, sitting in a chair was like asking me to walk on glass. It was a struggle. I found myself either laying or leaning sideways on the couch, which is less than ideal when you’re trying to feed your baby! Honestly, I just wanted to sit in a chair. Upright, like a human being. I unknowingly sat down on a boppy pillow one day and realized it was very effective in reducing pain while sitting. I didn’t have a special doughnut pillow or anything like that, but the boppy was fantastic at reducing the terrible pain in my bottom. Plus I was able to use it to help me cradle my baby and feed her. Dual-purpose products are a huge bonus in my book!

Post-baby belly support
The last thing I would recommend to you is some complicated abdominal wrap that makes you look like you’re in bondage. I think I tried one of those things once and ditched it immediately! Who has time for these things when caring for a newborn? I recommend this simple yet effective waist trainer from Gold’s Gym. It is comfortable, easy to use, and machine washable! Very handy when I started easing back into exercise as well.
Stretch Mark Cream
I can not even begin to tell you about the outrageous prices on stretch mark cream out there! Luckily, my husband happened to notice this palmer’s stretch mark cream kit on Amazon and we checked out the reviews together. It had a ton of good reviews and I was even more impressed with the price. I ended up using two of these kits in total during my entire pregnancy. I loved the variety of creams oils and lotions, and I ended up using every last drop of this kit!
I sincerely hope my simple Amazon list has prepared you for the upcoming big day! There is nothing quite like bringing beautiful blessings into the world. Be proud to call yourself mamma. You are going to be amazing! Until next time y’all!

Watch me review my Postpartum Essentials in my YouTube video below!
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Postpartum Essentials on Amazon:
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This is great Jen!! So proud of you!!
Thank you Kim!
Love this!!
Thank you 🙏